Great session on Saturday night, a late one (20:00) for us but back to earlier slots for February!
A very cold ice rink on Saturday but we had a big turnout in all capability groups with new skaters Jess and Matt joining us.
Just about every level of experience on the ice from beginner, peewee, junior, senior Olympian, masters Olympian and coach Tom missing a number of decibels, phew!
Invaluable to this session was the chance to recap and reset smooth efficient skating and to maximise the physical gains on and off the ice to translate into speed.
We are going to be focussing now on a peak of fitness towards the major competitions left in the such it will be vital to transit power through our core and hips with power right to the end of the push.
Keep up your off ice excercise build the strength, flexibility and muscle memory!
Remember to ask any of the coaches about basic off ice training or training plans.
